Cases and Legislation

Case Law Online

Australian and International law reports and unreported judgments

Legislation Online

Victorian, Commonwealth and International resources for Acts, Bills, Hansard, explanatory memoranda, and gazettes

Legislation Set: Children's Court

Links to legislation frequently used in the Children's Court of Victoria

Legislation Set: Coroners Court

Links to legislation frequently used in the Coroners Court of Victoria

Legislation Set: County Court

Links to legislation frequently used by the County Court of Victoria

Legislation Set: Magistrates' Court

Links to legislation frequently used in the Magistrates' Court of Victoria

Legislation Set: Supreme Court

Links to frequently used legislation in the Supreme Court of Victoria

Legislation Set: VCAT

Links to legislation frequently used in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Legislation: Crimes Act 1958 Reprints

Historical reprints of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic.) up to reprint no. 12 (1996).

Victorian Legislation Updates

An overview of locating new Victorian Bills, Acts and Commencements

Victorian Legislation Updates Archive

An overview of locating new Victorian Bills, Acts and Commencements